Sunday, September 23, 2012

"Poaster Toaster" Roaster

I recently read some of "The Poaster Toaster", and to put it nicely, I'm no fan.  I feel like he is incredibly pig-headed and short-sighted, not to mention spoiled out of his damn mind.  He talks some serious shit* on Islam, and on welfare, and I just think that he needs to reevaluate his opinions, because he is the kind of person who is ruining the human race.
First off, I am no fan of Islam, but really?  That is their religion you are talking about!  I don't know what belief system you have, but I'm pretty sure you would be offended if some jack-ass teenage boy started talking about how stupid it is. 
And also, you talk crap on them going to Mecca.  Now as I have said, I don't know if you are religious or not, but for the sake of the fact that we are in Utah County, I am going to assume you are LDS.  As a Latter-Day Saint, we go to the Temple, and often.  This is the exact same thing.  They go to Mecca.  That is their holy place.  We always talk about how amazing it is when someone treks across their country just to get to the Temple one time in their life, so why is it any different when a Muslim does it?  I know I'm sounding like a jerk by calling this guy dumb so many times, but he is one of the most ignorant people I have ever heard. 
Now about the hair.  They don't show their hair for the same reasons we wear garments.  BECAUSE IT'S WHAT WE BELIEVE.  I bet you don't like the fact that mormons get crap for wearing magic underwear, but it is what we believe, so what gives you the right to mock another religion for doing what they think is right?  Who made you the judge over religion and what is ridiculous? 
I don't know, maybe he is Jesus here for the second coming and has the right to do this, but I highly doubt it.

*I apologize for the obscenity, but "poop" and "crap" didn't feel like they had enough power in that context


  1. I'm on your side here, but be careful. Attacking someone isn't the best way to get your point across. A simple comment on that writer's blog may have been sufficient.

    (However, I'm glad that you're reading other blogs and that you have an opinion.)

  2. I think that his voice is unique, but I agree, that post was not one of his brightest moments. I think he was being extremely one sided. 'it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.' -aristotle. Obviously you can do this. It's important to see other religions from the worshiper's point of view.
