Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Well, as this is my first blog, I thought I should explain some things about this blog, and what you can expect from it.
First off, I chose my name in honor of the lead singer of the band Mumford & Sons.  Marcus Mumford has been an inspiration to me since I first heard his music during 9th grade.  I have always appreciated the lyrics he creates, not just the music, but the actual words and what he means in them.
Secondly, I have a very opinionated view on some pretty confrontational subjects.  I will try my best to not offend anyone with what I say, but I want my blog to be a place where people can hear a different opinion.
*Note  -  My views aren't radical or anything, they are just different than most have in this area.


  1. Love Mumford & Sons. I just got into them last year. But yes.

    You sound like a liberal. You're probably going to vote for Obama. There goes the neighborhood.

    (oh wait, you can't vote...everything is okay)

  2. I love Marcus Mumford.... let's hope your views don't dishonor his name.

  3. are we human... or are we liberals...

  4. Thanks for commenting I'm unoriginal but really nobody cares about your stupid band.

  5. Not a stupid band, first of all. If you aren't completly and utterly captivated with Mumford& Sons you don't get them.

    Second, I like your blog.

  6. Love you. Post more I want to know whats going on in yo life
